My Services

You can choose between the following two:

In either case you’ll receive:

  • A one to one individual session which involves a full case family and medicinal history as well as a comprehensive analysis of diet, lifestyle and overall environment
  • A tailored nutrition plan based on my assessment as well as suggestions of a supplement program and medicinal plants
  • An individualized list of recommended foods
  • Practical cooking tips to preserve the nutrients when preparing meals and to increase their healing effects
  • Delicious recipes that will be adapted to your personal need
  • Advice on how to select the right foods according to your needs and how to combine them in order to maximize their benefits.

Other related services:

  • How to become more knowledgeable in reading labels and learning to pick out healthy foods.
  • How to develop correct eating habits and become conscious of possible existing patterns like excessive eating, dependency/addiction to certain foods and the timing of your eating, among others.
  • Advice for parents who want to instill healthy eating habits in their kids.

Click on the icon above to get in contact with me.